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KFC Opens Contactless ‘Restaurant Of The Future’ With A Robot Helper
By Mikelle Leow, 22 Jun 2020
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Image via Patcharaporn Puttipon 636 /
Following McDonald’s introduction of its social distancing-inspired concept, KFC has opened an automated store that it describes to be a “restaurant of the future.”
As reported by WFLA News Channel 8, the new location in Moscow, Russia was actually built before the COVID-19 pandemic which forced food businesses in the country to halt operations for over two months.
The futuristic restaurant resolves to limit contact between employees and patrons. The company said the outlet was conceptualized ahead of the coronavirus outbreak as a more sanitary option to serve food.
As seen in the video below, a robot hand singlehandedly—no pun intended—carries cooked food into a designated pickup point.
Diners will then collect their orders by entering a code provided by the restaurant, and then pay via card or through registered facial biometric data. Orders are placed at digital kiosks rather than cashiers.
Video via WFLA
[via Inverse, videos via various sources, cover image via Patcharaporn Puttipon 636 /]
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