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Everyone knows that creating a password is key to protecting your personal information online. However, people are still using simple passwords like “Password” and “123456,” according to a study by proprietary password manager
The company scraped 200 passwords and collated them in a database full of breached online information. The most predictable combinations found in the list were “password” and numerical arrangements like “12345678,” “111111” and “123456.” These passwords reportedly took less than a second to crack.
“123456” and “123456789” were listed as the top two passwords of 2020, and both contenders also topped the list in
2019. It’s time for a change, seriously.
Only 44 percent were unique passwords that appeared only once in the list. There were also 78 new passwords, including “naruto,” password123,” and “starwars” listed as the 112th, 120th, and 151th respectively in the comprehensive list.
View the full list
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