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Here’s Why Apple Product Names Start With An ‘I’
By Alexa Heah, 16 Jul 2021
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Image via GaudiLab /
If you’re an Apple user, you’d have realized a long while ago that most of its products start with an ‘i’. From the iPod to the iPhone, iPad, and iMac, it seems the ‘i’ is undoubtedly the brand’s preferred prefix.
Apple’s first-ever ‘i’ product, the iMac, was launched in 1998. At its introduction, Apple founder Steve Jobs had said the iMac aimed to help users take advantage of the infinite possibilities the then-blossoming internet had to offer. The ‘i’ stood for internet, with the ‘Mac’ for Macintosh.
According to MUO, apart from “internet,” Jobs had shown several different meanings of the prefix during his presentation.
These included: “individual,” for Apple users’ unique personalities; “instruct” – to position the iMac as a learning tool, “inform” – to highlight the unlimited information available through a computer, and “inspire” – with the iMac being a tool to help users create their best work.
However, the company’s latest launches haven’t included the ‘i’ all the time. For example, products such as Apple TV and Apple Watch have omitted the prefix, with its new tools the AirPods and AirTags opting for an ‘Air’ prefix instead.
Could the introduction of a new prefix signal a new era of Apple’s development? Well, even if it shifts away from the ‘i’, it will remain one of the most recognizable branding prefixes in history.
[via MUO, cover image via GaudiLab /]
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