Image via Mother London
KFC’s Tower Burger is no shrinking violet. In fact, it’s so tall, it doesn’t quite fit into traditional advertising formats. Instead of resizing the menu item (the horror!), KFC’s UK marketing team got creative, turning this potential hurdle into a hilarious, well-endowed campaign.
Truly standing out from the bunch, the Tower Burger—featuring a crispy chicken fillet stacked on a hash brown, cheese, and other delicious fixings—presented a unique challenge. Its remarkable height meant it simply couldn’t be contained by standard horizontal billboards and TV screens. So, Mother London, the advertising agency behind the campaign, decided to flip the script, quite literally.

Image via Mother London
“The KFC Tower Burger is a chicken filet with a hash brown on top, making it far too tall for most media placements,” expresses the agency. “So for this campaign, we had to adapt.”
The burger was rotated 90 degrees, allowing it to be properly framed in spite of the tall order. In one instance, the sandwich even stuck out of its designated advertising space, emphasizing its impressive stature.

Image via Mother London
Sometimes, a little switch in perspective can lead to enormous results.

Image via Mother London

Image via Mother London
[via The Drum and Famous Campaigns, images via Mother London]