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McDonald’s Ice Cream Lovers, This App Tells You If That Machine Is Really Broken
By Mikelle Leow, 23 Oct 2020
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Image via ibnu alias /
McDonald’s soft serves have caused quite the McFlurry everywhere for notoriously always being “broken.” However, employees have come forward to reveal that, many a time, the equipment isn’t faulty—it’s just very cumbersome to clean.
At long last, there’s a way to tell if the ice cream machine at your local McDonald’s is truly down. Rashiq Zahid has created a web app called ‘mcbroken’ that alerts you of the ones that don’t work in the country.
To confirm which appliances are “mcbroken,” Zahid said he reverse-engineered the internal application programming interface (API) used by McDonald’s in the US, which notes down every location that has a malfunctioning ice cream machine.
“I’m currently placing an order worth $18,752 every minute at every McDonald’s in the US to figure out which locations have a broken ice cream machine,” he explained in a tweet on Thursday.
Zahid also stressed that no ice cream goes wasted and no employee gets in trouble with this experiment, as his purchases are hypothetical. “I’m merely querying,” he pointed out.
The app maps out locations with faulty ice cream equipment, as well as indicates the percentage of broken soft-serve ice cream machines in various cities and nationwide. New York appears to be the city with the greatest proportion of wonky ice cream machines—at the time of publication, 32.61-percent of them are down.
Unlike what you’ve heard from myths, though, there aren’t many ice cream machines in the country that are broken. At present, only 10-percent of them aren’t working.
Now that you have proof there’s nothing wrong with your local McDonald’s ice cream machine, it’s time to treat yourself to a cone. Just don’t be a Karen about it when an employee tells you the equipment is broken. Times are hard.
to clarify how this works: mcdonald's keeps track which locations have a broken machine, I'm merely querying for those - no order gets executed, no ice cream is actually wasted 🍦
— rashiq (@rashiq) October 22, 2020
[via CNET, cover image via ibnu alias /]
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