The man behind the glorious ‘Lawyer Cat’ face was clearly having a hard day when he attended a hearing with the now-notorious filter accidentally switched on.
“I’m here live—I’m not a cat,” the anxious lawyer found himself clarifying.
To calm his nerves, Mike’s Hard Lemonade offered Texas attorney Rod Ponton a bottle to wash down his embarrassment. The lawyer appears in both his cat and human forms in the brand’s latest commercial, produced by creative agency WorkInProgress.
The 17-second advertisement portrays “unreleased footage” from that day. After scrambling to prove he is not a cat, the bespectacled attorney can be seen kicking back with a drink as “a hard day calls for a hard lemonade.”
“Rod was clearly having a hard day and Mike’s Hard Lemonade wanted to be there to brighten it,” shared Matt Talbot, the agency’s CCO, in a press release.