Image via NYC Cultural Affairs
New Yorkers, you can now receive your COVID-19 vaccine under the American Museum of Natural History’s iconic blue whale. In support of the vaccination rollout, even the whale is sporting a giant bandage.
The museum has been administering the Moderna vaccine in its Milstein Hall of Ocean Life since last week. The best part? Together with your vaccination, you’ll receive complimentary admission to the museum with three friends.
Its president, Ellen Futter, said that in years to come, the image of people getting jabbed under the whale will “be a snapshot of New York and New Yorkers fighting back, caring for one another, and of a time when things started to turn for the better,” as per
The Art Newspaper.
For those who are interested, the American Museum of Natural History is offering an estimated 1,000 vaccines per day; from Fridays through Tuesdays. You can either walk in or book your slot in advance via the
NYC COVID-19 Vaccine Finder.
Watch the museum install the whale's huge bandage
The Art Newspaper, cover image via
NYC Cultural Affairs]