Image via World Health Organization
There are nearly 90,000 reported
global cases of COVID-19 now, and the importance of keeping healthy is more apparent than ever.
People all over the world might be unnecessarily panic-buying during this crisis, but without properly maintaining personal hygiene, stockpiling is redundant. An
informative graphic by the World Health Organization (WHO) reminds of the more imperative step to take amid the coronavirus outbreak: washing your hands.
The 11-step guide, brought to the public’s eye again by
Bored Panda, shows the best way to keep your hands germ-free. In short, always wash your hands with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based handrub, and scrub them for as long as it takes to sing
Happy Birthday twice. Dry them thoroughly afterwards.
The handy visual, no pun intended, can be viewed after the scroll. And remember, it’s not only during the coronavirus outbreak that you have to properly wash your hands.
For more advice on specifically fighting the novel coronavirus, check out
this comic that medical institutions and schools are currently using.
Image via World Health Organization
Bored Panda, images via
World Health Organization]